-Pictures of our cats, Pandy and Tigger
-food (we like to take pictures when we try new places, and we're still discovering good eats in Lawrence/Kansas City/etc)
-our garden
-boring 'what we did today/this weekend' posts
-musings on life (maybe? We'll try not to get too heavy here.)
We thought this would be a fun idea since the majority of our family is back in North Carolina, and even though we abuse Facebook, we can go into more detail here if we're doing something particularly exciting. So for new friends/strangers who may have stumbled upon this blog, a little about us:
-we met in college at UNC-Chapel Hill, and are die hard Tar Heel fans/alums. That being said, we cheer for the Kansas Jayhawks anytime they don't play UNC. Hence the "Tarheeled Jayhawks" blog name.
-we moved to Lawrence from Raleigh, NC in August of 2009. Michael started a PhD program in Bioinformatics and is about to start year #2. No one has actually graduated from this program yet because it's brand new, but as far as we can tell, we'll be here for at least another 4 years.
-What in the heck is Bioinformatics? The 'layman's term' Michael has given me is that he does Biology on a computer. If you ever care for a 5-10 min spiel, Michael will be happy to go into detail.
-I work from home for a residential behavioral treatment center in Durham, NC. I do their social media: Facebook, twitter, blogging, internet marketing. I'm a lucky gal, because I love what I do and the people I work for!
-In addition to school and work, we keep busy with our herd of animals, writing (Kelly), gardening (Michael), home decorating (both), watching the Kansas City Chiefs attempt to play football (mostly Kelly), ACC and Big 12 basketball (both!!), attending EastLake Community Church and small groups (called Growth Groups), volunteering for EastLake and the greyhound adoption group that trusted us enough to give Penny a home, seeking out great local restaurants in Lawrence (both), and shopping (take a wild guess).
So that's probably enough for a first post, right? Did anyone even get this far? Bueller? Bueller?
Kelly & Michael
oh yay.. a Kelly and Michael blog!