I wish I could get myself back on a normal sleep schedule. It's 2 am and I'm wide awake. It would be nice to fall asleep around 11ish when Michael goes to bed. I always feel like I'm disturbing him when I do head back. I've always been a night owl. I tend to do a lot of work at night because I just feel more alert than I do early in the morning. I still remember the ability to be awake and perky by 8 am when I was still in NC was mostly a daily challenge. I thank God for the blessing of being able to work from home, so that even when I'm groggy, no one has to see that. Hooray for being 2 minutes from the Dunkin Donuts in town for an iced vanilla latte when I do have to be functioning before 10 am.
Let's talk Glee, shall we? I was not knocked off of my feet by this episode, although I did love Heather Morris (Brittany). Glad she was finally given a chance to be in the spotlight other than her hilarious one liners. They did mention that they grew up with Britney's music, which is true for me. Her first single came out when I was in 8th or 9th grade and I remember watching it on TRL and being hooked. Of course, we all know how crazy she got as the years progressed, but there's still that little piece of me that has a soft spot for her. If you want to read a hilarious commentary of Glee episodes, I highly, HIGHLY recommend you check out projectrungay.blogspot.com. They usually have clips of all the songs in addition to a summary and their opinions on the episodes.
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