Let's see, what else is new this week... My good buddy Sue picked me up on my lunch break for a quick trek to DeSoto so we could check out Steve's Meat Market, a local butcher shop. I am amazed that a quality shop like this is only 20 min away! We split their June grilling special, and our freezer is absolutely STUFFED with some delicious looking meats! Michael and I figured out that the amount of food should last us until mid-late July if we are cooking 4 nights/week, AND that includes leftovers. Suh-weet. This will definitely be a money saving venture, and to get better quality with local meat, for less $$...can't ask for anything better! We received boneless chicken breasts, tbone steaks, ground chuck, pork chops, italian sausage, brats, chicken leg quarters, and a 5 lb pork roast to make pulled pork. Maybe we'll have to have a grilling party. :)

Michael is out at his second group. He is leading not one, but two groups this time. They are both Dungeons & Dragons groups. How cool is that, D&D church groups? I love it. He is having a ball and meeting lots of awesome new people, can't beat that.
Oh! We did get a new rug today. I'll let Penny show you how much she enjoys it. I don't know what I was thinking, getting a brown rug a couple of years ago when we have white animals, but I hit my limit a few weeks ago with the vacuuming every single day, and I kid you not, less than an hour later it would look like I hadn't. I'll still vacuum regularly, don't get me wrong, but I hope this new rug helps with my ocd-ness when it comes to animal hair in the house. I really try hard for my friends with allergies and for my friends who don't particularly like animals to keep the floors and furniture clean, but it's an hourly chore sometimes. Just know that there's nothing that can save you if you let Penny lay on your lap while wearing black. :-)

I have the same problem with animal hair. We have a yellow lab and I refuse to let anybody new sit on the floor- especially when wearing black. It doesn't matter if I sweep every single day!