Friday, July 13, 2012


This has been one of those weeks. Just lots of stress and chaos, it seems. I was talking to a few dear friends last night and we all agreed it was like grenades were being tossed at us in an attempt to have everything blow up in our faces. After a night of prayer, a couple glasses of moscato, and lots of talking, I felt better. Having friends who've got your back, no matter what, makes the grenades that inevitably come seem less harmful.

I woke up today in a much better mood. When I dropped Michael off at school, it was lightly raining. One of my favorite things is to listen to thunder and rain, and we haven't had nearly enough this summer. And it wasn't 1000 degrees outside, double plus! But then my sweet boy cat peed on the bed. It's a medical condition and he only does stuff like that when that area *motions to lower half of body* is infected, but it still is very frustrating and time consuming. (Let me add completely washing ALL our bedding to my to-do list for today...). Not going to lie, when I first saw it had happened, I probably had a vision of turning him into a comfortable pair of slippers. But here's what I have to be grateful for:

  1. I was able to drop into the vet's office without bringing him in for his medicine, which only cost me $24.50. Had they insisted on seeing him, it surely would have been $70+.
  2. I have a washer and dryer available to me, so everything can get washed immediately with no lasting stains or odors.
  3. Michael decided to come home a couple of hours early from school, so while I took care of getting Tigger's medicine and starting the laundry, he cleaned the kitchen so I didn't have to do that on top of everything else.
  4. Tonight we'll have freshly washed bedding, one of my favorite smells! (Linens/laundry/clean smells...ahhhh). 
  5. We've been through this before, we know what it is, so we don't need to go into a tailspin about what serious medical condition it could be (my mind goes there pretty quickly with my animals after losing a cat at 2.5 years old from lymphoma).
That helps me see that in the grand scheme of things, blowing small stuff out of proportion only serves to ruin my joy. I can choose to do that, or I can choose to rest in the knowledge that God is in control of all the details, no matter what. God, get me through this cat pee chaos!

He would make comfy slippers, though...

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