Friday, September 14, 2012


Group catalog: DONE.

Group tshirts: Picking them up from Acme, a local tshirt store, Friday afternoon. This place absolutely rocks. If you live in Lawrence and need any kind of custom design work for a tshirt, you gotta go see them. Jennilyn, the manager, is a friend and EastLaker and she and the staff there are awesome!

Today was chilly and rainy. I'm not sure if it even passed 70 degrees. GLORIOUS. I went to sleep around 9:30am and opened a window. The bedroom got cold and I burrowed under a down comforter with Penny next to me. Oh man, you know those sleeps when you're so tired that you wake up and it feels like it's only been a couple minutes? That was me. Usually I'm kind of a light sleeper but I really don't think I even moved once my head hit the pillow. Want me some more of that this weekend.

Work tonight has been super slow. I really hope I don't jinx myself by saying that. So far I've painted my nails, eaten grapes and a bologna sandwich, watched an episode of True Life, and now I'm going to do some stretches and then type up an email for my group leaders.

If you see me on Sunday, and ask me what I did this weekend, and I rattle off a long list...please be disappointed in me. It's time to recharge so I can be ready to go for group sign ups on Sunday morning. I think Friday night all I want to do is make blueberry pancakes and go get Michael some new sneakers so he can start exercising.

PS- "Grace for the Unglued" will be an awesome growth group. Tuesdays 7:30. Just sayin'.

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