I took this picture this morning at work. What do you think... I think this may be the start of a bump!
Size of baby: navel orange!
Workouts: exercising my jaw. Haha. I did walk around quite a bit on Saturday. We went out to the country to visit Anna's boyfriend Scott and see his farm. We played with chickens, horses, catfish, and went on a hayride. At the end of the night Scott proposed! It was so sweet. Such a cool moment for them.
Maternity clothes: I finally placed an order from Old Navy! I got a couple skirts. Looking forward to them arriving and seeing how they fit.
Gender: 6 weeks until we find out!
Movement: okay, I know it might be early. But now I really think I might be feeling the very beginnings of movement. It feels like a flutter when I'm laying down and have been still for a while.
Sleep: sucks. If I'm not waking up to pee, I'm waking up because my hip hurts. The past few nights I've woken up every couple hours like clockwork to change position because my left hip gets too sore. The pregnancy pillow Michael got me was nice at first but now it's become a necessity because it aligns my hip and spine to a more comfortable position.
What I miss: sushi. Might need to go get some cooked varieties this weekend.
Cravings: soft pretzels, air heads (that ridiculous taffy like candy, know what I'm talking about?) On Sunday we went to see the new Star Trek movie and the theater had sour air heads but not regular. Sour would not do. So yes my pregnant self did go to Target yesterday after work to pick up a small bag because I was still thinking about them 2 days later. No shame, they were delicious. And I did share with Michael at least!
Symptoms: still nauseated pretty much everyday. Hello body, you are in 2nd tri now. Cut the crap. Please? The hip pain I mentioned earlier. Lately I've found that I need to eat more frequent, smaller meals. If I try to eat a regular sized lunch or dinner I feel so uncomfortable and nauseous.
Anxiety level: not too bad this week. We had someone come tour the house this past Saturday so I got a little crazy trying to make sure everything was tidy, but that's about it.
Best moment this week: seeing my buddy get engaged! Also spent a lovely afternoon with my sister and brother in law on Sunday having lunch and watching a movie. They are moving back to NC on Monday and I am happy for them but bummed for me.
Reading: the two books we bought at Barnes and Noble on Sunday: On the Night You Were Born and Ball! (Kids books)
Dad is: super excited that I might be feeling movement and can't wait for his turn. Sad that it will be a few more weeks before that happens. ;)
I totally believe you're feeling movement! I did at that stage and it felt just like that! I'm so happy for you guys!