So of course, there's a chance for snow this weekend. My reaction:

I've been here a year and a half now, so I should be used to this. I even know the laser 105.9 radio slogan (Don't like the weather in Kansas? Wait 20 minutes!) But dang it, pick a season!
In other news, I have a tulip scented candle burning, I have flip flops on, and am firmly living in lala land until Spring does actually get here. So there. :) I received a package today from FedEx-TWO boxes of french vanilla iced coffee kcups! That was such a sweet surprise from my dad. So I've got a LOT to share if anyone wants to try one...hint,hint...
Lots been happening in the past week. This is the fourth week of growth groups and I'm l-u-v'ing mine. On Mondays I get at least 5 minutes of stress relief through mindful breathing and relaxation techniques. We did music therapy this past week which was really interesting. I love thinking of lyrics in a completely different way. My Wednesday group is clicking on a very deep level-I'm so glad we can all be open with each other and find comfort in each other as we work through the book. Had a revelation last night that tied in the book and last week's sermon at church. It was about leading a life of significance instead of success. I think we've probably all heard the phrase "you can't take it with you" when talking about material possessions once we're gone, and it's okay to enjoy nice things, but not at the expense of coveting them above everything else, including your relationship with God. You can't let material things define you-you are not the house you live in, the knick knacks inside of it, the amount of money you have in the bank, etc. Likewise in the book we're reading, women who want to lose weight are not the numbers on the scale. Those numbers signify the amount your body weighs-not your worth.
If I say that over and over, it starts to sink in. I don't have to be anything other than a child of God in order to live a content, happy, fulfilled life. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the other stuff-trust me, I know-but really, that's all I HAVE to be. God will lead me to the next step. Today I took a break from a very hectic work week and ate lunch with my husband. After that, I went to the gym and did 30 minutes on the elliptical. I hope one of these days I can get myself to make that a regular habit, because I always feel so good when I'm done. Who knows...I did manage to floss regularly last year, so it could happen!
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