Friday, March 11, 2011

Retail Therapy Itch

Gah! I hate when I get like this. Luckily (for my bank account) it doesn't happen *too* often, but man, do I have the fever for new stuff.

It started last night, innocently enough. I needed (NEEDED) more hot chocolate kcups, because they're one of my favorites (and my buddies' favorite, so I need it to lure them to come visit me). While there, I saw iced vanilla coffee kcups, and immediately my brain went something like this: OOOOH MINE. Soo that hopped in my basket. THEN, as I was pulling out my coupon, I saw the store was advertising all of their spring candles, and a new scent: Fluffy Towels. OMG. Okay, I can hear you laughing but I Luh-huv the candles that smell like laundry (Err-clean laundry.) I asked Michael to not let me go to the candle section or I knew I'd be done.

Then we went to JC Penney so Michael could look at their watches. I ended up finding a cute little looks-like-a-bracelet-but-it's-a-watch type watch for moi. Did I need it? Um, no. It's cute, though.

Then today, I caught myself looking at Old Navy for warmer weather shirts. And I want spring towels for the kitchen. And I still want the fluffy towel candle. But I want to save my fun money for other things-this being on a budget thing sucks!

But then I looked on CNN and saw the headline "DEVASTATION IN JAPAN". Gulp. An 8.9 earthquake and following tsunami, hundreds dead and missing, towns under water...holy moly.

What was I whining about again?!?

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