Monday, February 21, 2011

Little things make it count

Last week was pretty great because:

-The weather was a glorious, glorious break from the arctic cold we've had the past couple of months. I went outside without a jacket, sat on the deck in the sunshine and watched Penny run. She ran and ran, making circles in the mud, which I'm sure felt wonderful after being cooped up. It earned her a bath, which she did not love, but that is the price a little greyhound must pay for muddy freedom.

-We grilled cheeseburgers outside and ate them with wheat beer and onion rings. All I needed was a side of beefsteak tomatoes and it would have been a typical Rowland summer bbq.

-Last Monday a kind man delivered a bouquet of roses and carnations from my sweetie. That night we dined on heart shaped pancakes, both anatomically correct and the typical <3 kind. The next day, a package arrived. It was a photo book of pictures from our lives together thus far, from 2004-2010. He picked everything out, designed the layouts, and put a lot of thought into it. My favorite. :)

-Had lunch at my fav restaurant, 715, with two wonderful EastLake ladies. I continue to be amazed and honored at the friendships God is entrusting me to have here. After lunch, Tish and I went to see Black Swan. It was creepy-good.

Today's summary: phone calls, data entry, prayer, online shopping, wore mom's pearl necklace around the house, cleaning, homemade pizza, snuggles.

Not bad for a Monday.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Eep! Long break huh?

Sorry for the unexpected hiatus! Wasn't intentional. About a week after my last post I became really ill. Thought I had the flu and actually went and got tested (I am one of those types that doesn't go to the doctor until it's absolutely necessary). I didn't have it, but I had every symptom and it took forever for me to bounce back. Had a couple of days of feeling good, during which I helped put together a fantastic event for the ladies at my church, and then promptly got sick again the next week. Bah!! Right now I'm dealing with a scary sounding cough that is just refusing to leave....grrr!

Hopefully soon I'll put together a better post. Just wanted to say I haven't forgotten about this little blog!