Thursday, August 23, 2012

First night at the hospital!

Haven't updated in a while...I got the job! :) Thanks for all who prayed and encouraged me! Tonight is my first "live" night on my own, and so far it's gone pretty well. I have one hour to go before I'm done for the night (day? it's technically 6 am...). Yup, it's overnight! From 11pm-7am. I felt like I wanted to die around 4:30 but got a second wind at 5:45 am and am feeling pretty good right now. I'll be doing Wed and Thurs nights regularly, so don't expect to hear from me during the day on Thursdays and Fridays. ;) The past month has been a little crazy with training, preparing for fall growth groups, Michael went on a trip with his lab to Santa Fe, NM...lots of stuff!

Later on hopefully I'll be inspired to pull some pictures from the past few weeks. I did go to the zoo a couple of weeks ago with a couple of friends and that was so much fun. I'd love to go again before it gets cold, but we'll see.

Also an FYI, to those who have my cell number: right now my phone is messed up so I can't receive calls. Well, I can receive them, you just won't be able to hear me. Boo! I am trying to wait until the new iphone comes out so I don't have to purchase 2 phones. It's super bad timing that this happened...I've been waiting for close to a year to save my upgrade for the new version. Oh wells. Text me instead. ;)