Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2nd tri baybee

On Tuesdays I switch over to a new week in the pregnancy. (On Wednesdays I wear pink. Sorry, couldn't resist a Mean Girls reference).

It's funny, everything is so week oriented for me now that I almost forget it's already been over three months. 13 weeks yesterday and I am oh so thrilled to finally be in what everyone says is the happy time of pregnancy, second trimester. I'm holding out, me here! Let's do a catch up in bullet form to make this easy. I'll try to do this each week.

How Far Along: 13 weeks (and 1 day technically)
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a lemon. Which is funny, because one of my first cravings was lemon flavored things...water especially.
Workouts: Hah...I really hope to get back into this soon. I've been stretching a lot and walking during my breaks at the hospital, but truthfully that's about it.
Maternity Clothes: None so far. I think pretty soon I will have to bite the bullet and purchase a few things. Pre-pregnancy I tended to wear a lot of flowy tanktops and cardigans, so I'm hoping I can work those a lot longer and have them still look appropriate. Pants are definitely starting to get uncomfortable. I've been doing the rubber band trick with a couple pairs of work pants to get by.

Gender: Don't know yet. Our appointment to find out is July 1, although as long as we can hold out, our plan is to have our friend Cami make us a cake that will tell us. We like cake. :)
Movement: I think it's too early. Sometimes I feel what I think could be a little flutter...but it's probably just gas.
Sleep: Still in 1st tri exhaustion phase. Getting up for work at 5:30 am especially sucks these days. I'm usually napping by 4pm so don't come knockin'.
What I miss: MARGARITAS. Sweet Lord, do I miss them. Mexican food is not the same without one. Also discovered last weekend at an event I was at that seared ahi tuna looks incredibly delicious. Alas. Sushi + margarita at the delivery room?
Cravings: Bagels. So many bagels for breakfast. I'm not even sorry.
Symptoms: Still having nausea (yay for pills). It's pretty predictable these days that I will dry heave either brushing my teeth or right before leaving for work. Thankfully, I haven't actually thrown up yet. Tired all the time. Michael says cranky...haha. I did notice that I'm quicker to get frustrated than normal. This makes for a fun 8 hours at work every day in a job where you're on the phone all day. ;)
Anxiety Level: Not too bad-but it fluctuates. Had a moment Monday where I felt very overwhelmed by life. Then I ate a soft pretzel and felt better.
Best Moment this week: Spending my first pre-Mother's Day with Michael. He gave me a very sweet card and tulips. We had a great day at church, then went to Olathe for lunch and to peruse Babies R Us. It was nice to just take the afternoon and wander around stores and think about what's to come in the next six months. We also had 2 ultrasounds last week and got to see Baby Rowland for a good hour the second time, which was awesome!

Reading: We purchased a book a few weeks ago called "Pregnancy Sucks" because the title made me laugh. I haven't gotten too far into it yet but so far it hasn't been groundbreaking, but at least I can relate somewhat to the author's dry humor.
Dad is: On cloud nine about all this. We ordered an at-home doppler and heard baby's heart beat last night right before bed. Pretty incredible.

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