Wednesday, September 29, 2010

just typing out loud

Am I spreading myself too thin? I'm starting to wonder. I know none of you can answer this for me, but it's something I've been thinking about and will need to put some conscious effort into deciding how I want to divvy up my free time. So far, here's what will be on my plate beginning in a couple of weeks:

-Growth groups on Tuesday nights, Thursday nights, and Saturday mornings. I'm co-leading the Sat. morning group, the Tuesday group is a book study so that will require reading, and the Thursday group is crochet so that will require practice.

-volunteering for EastLake on the connection card entry team and the food/coffee table. The cards are every Sunday and food/coffee is about every other Sunday.

-volunteering for greyhound rescue by attending adoption events 1-2 times per month

-I currently run ebay auctions for the greyhound rescue and update their twitter page

-Michael takes Penny to doggie 'good citizen' class on Wednesdays, which means I'm at home without a car (we just have one and share it)

-I am trying to start a healthy routine of getting more exercise, which means ideally I would like to get to the gym 3-4 times per week

What I am internally debating about is whether we should add becoming adoption volunteers for the greyhound rescue. This would be pretty time consuming, I's reviewing applications, having a phone interview with a prospective adopter, conducting a home visit, and helping place greyhounds from our program. I have no doubt it would be extremely rewarding. I'm just wondering if it will be putting too much on my plate for the moment. I need to make a decision soon because training is on the 23rd of October and I want to give the person doing the training enough notice if we decide not to do it. A home visit on the MO side, for example, would eat up a chunk of a day by the time it would take to drive there, conduct the visit, and drive back. Probably one of the only downsides of living in Lawrence is that the majority of the events with the group are in the Overland Park side of KS or KCMO. So it's a drive pretty much no matter what, which is fine, but I need to keep that in mind while thinking about all of this. So at the moment, the only times we could conduct home visits would be Friday nights (Mondays are our date nights), Saturday afternoons, or Sunday afternoons. And Sunday afternoons won't really work because Michael has basketball growth group at 4.

Hmm. The more I type it out and think about it, the more I'm seeing how much time I don't have left. And the time that I do have is pretty sacred as far as making sure I get enough time for exercise, friends, seeing Michael, and recharging for work. Maybe I'll revisit adoption rep training in 2011.

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